It feels like I have nothing to say

I'm staring at a blinking cursor where words should be... but I'm having a hard time putting any down.

I want to share a story about how anxiety manifests in my business but my brain is blank.

And then I realize, that's exactly how anxiety manifests... it paralyzes me.

It has me thinking I have nothing to say or share.

It bloats the tasks on my lists into a "whole thing" and I don't even know where to begin.

The analysis paralysis stops me from starting so many things.

And yet, when I push through, when I just start writing a stream of consciousness or just start working on the smallest tasks on my list, I forget about my anxiety and I start gaining momentum.

It's as if I'm a hibernating bear and I just need the first smell of spring to wake me from my slumber. But I can't smell anything until I step out of my cave. Sometimes I get lost in the paradox of this, other times I'm brave enough to step out of the cave without the evidence of spring.

One of my favorite things to do to get into a state of momentum is through body doubling, or virtual coworking.

I often reach out to a friend (usually Katie Momo or Maghan - thanks gals) and ask if they want to jump on a call and cowork.

We get on a video call, set an intention, and then just mute ourselves for a period of time.

This external accountability usually stops my spiraling of existential dread and paralysis and I start moving through my list.

This is just one of the many ways anxiety manifests in my business and one of the tools in my tool belt.

In just a couple of hours, Katie Momo and I are going to be hosting an open conversation about anxiety in our business. This is an experiment I'm excited to try out where there is no advice given, just a sharing of our own experiences and an invitation to the attendees to share theirs and ask questions from each other.

Here's the link to register:

I hope you join us,

Hi, I'm a Freelance Integrator!

I’m basically a personal trainer for business simplicity. I teach people exercises to build the muscles for strategic focus and delegation. After 12 years working as an executive assistant, head of operations, marketing consultant, and integrator, I’ve realized that most entrepreneurs struggle most with is capacity. So I’ve created tried and true methods to help them increase their efficiency in a way that feels good. Want easy to implement efficiency tips for free delivered right to your inbox? Sign up for Implement This below. :)

Read more from Hi, I'm a Freelance Integrator!

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