My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty

I woke up this morning, 5 minutes before my alarm went off.

My heart was racing, I was covered in sweat. I blinked my eyes opened and looked around.

I was in an unfamiliar space - an AirBnb in Colorado Springs.

It was still dark and I felt nauseous.

I got out of bed and stepped into the bathroom for a quick shower.

I knew I didn’t have much time but I was really struggling to get moving.

I turned on the lamp, sat at the tiny desk in my small room, and opened my computer.

My brain was foggy and my heart heavy as I opened my Prezi account.

I was giving a talk to a Mastermind today and last night, I’d realized that my slides had somehow been deleted. I’d been too exhausted to work on them last night but time was running out.

I took a deep breath and started the first slide.

2 hours flew by and most my slides were done.

The empty slate enabled me to rework what I wanted to say, add more stories - something I am learning from right now Cody Burch in Colorado.

Once I got started, the words flew from my fingers. I knew all the things I wanted to cover.

I always seem to forget how much I much I know about what I talk about: the Main Thing, working less, making more, creating focus filters, working with your body… I’m obsessed with it all and know how effective my method is.

Even still, I doubt myself. Even still, I feel so much anxiety in my business.

But I’ve learned to do hard things. I’ve learned to trust myself. Trust that I can do it afraid, do it anxious.

Having anxiety in business can sometimes feel like when you’re about to switch lanes when you’re on the road and someone suddenly comes into your blind spot. You swerve back into your lane - heart racing, palms sweaty. Except instead of being in your car, you’re sitting at your desk procrastinating writing an email.

If you relate to this, you’re not alone. I’m right there with you and there are so many of us. And I want to talk about it.

On Monday, Katie Momo and I are going to be having an open conversation about anxiety in our business - how it shows up and how we’ve over come it. And I’d love to invite you to join the conversation.

It’s free and if you can’t make it, a replay will be available if you’re signed up.

Here’s the link:

Ps. It ended up being the best talk I’ve ever given and I got 3 messages about the impact immediately. Trust yourself, my friend.

Hi, I'm a Freelance Integrator!

I’m basically a personal trainer for business simplicity. I teach people exercises to build the muscles for strategic focus and delegation. After 12 years working as an executive assistant, head of operations, marketing consultant, and integrator, I’ve realized that most entrepreneurs struggle most with is capacity. So I’ve created tried and true methods to help them increase their efficiency in a way that feels good. Want easy to implement efficiency tips for free delivered right to your inbox? Sign up for Implement This below. :)

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